SpreadSimple Vs. Glide

Feb 22, 2024

Every aspect of business development and growth has become easier thanks to the no-code movement of our time. Entrepreneurs do not need advanced coding skills to have an edge in the market. Using simple softwares like SpreadSimple, Glide, and AppSheet, organizations and individuals can create successful websites and applications without any designing experience.

SpreadSimple and Glide are both great platforms for businesses to help create internal tools to aid in company development. But you might be wondering which one suits your needs better. In this piece, we will take you through a detailed comparison between SpreadSimple and Glide for a more informed decision.

About SpreadSimple & Glide

Glide is a web-based application builder that assists non-programmers in creating powerful apps by combining prebuilt components with a familiar spreadsheet model. SpreadSimple is an intuitive and user-friendly no-code website builder that lets users create feature-rich websites using Google Sheets.

Both softwares utilize Google Sheets as a database, which means any users of the two platforms get full control over their visual interface. Glide offers a lot of basic components you would find in most applications, such as calendar view, map view, user list, and advanced things like chat interface. SpreadSimple takes the data from your Google Sheets as your website’s CMS (content management system) to create a styled webpage with a variety of customizable features such as:

  • Webpage design – Choose one of their template designs or add your colors, logo, and brand image in a few clicks;
  • Inventory, prices, and orders management from Google Sheets – Edit the information in your spreadsheet, and the website will update automatically;
  • Essential features for your product page –  Add custom functionalities such as search, sorting, filtering, pagination, etc. into your website.
  • SEO management – Connect analytical tools and SEO details, such as meta tags, favicons, preview images, custom scripts for chats, and more to your webpage.

Glide’s integrations are limited to specific services, such as Zapier, Google Analytics, Make, Google Drive, and Google Calendar. While SpreadSimple offers a wide range of integrations and automatons with popular programs like WhatsApp, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Mailchimp, and Zapier, it also includes a wide range of payment portals, such as PayPal and Stripe.

Difference Between Glide & SpreadSimple

1. The first major difference you notice between both platforms is their look and how they feel to use. While both Glide and SpreadSimple offer a drag-and-drop interface, most people consider SpreadSimple to be the easiest and most intuitive in its usage. There is a slight learning curve involved with Glide, but once you get past that you can create a completely functional app in a matter of seconds.

2. SpreadSimple core expertise lies in creating multiple websites, such as E-commerce, Affiliate stores, Restaurants and Cafés, Real Estate, and Listings for advertising jobs, events, crafts, pictures, etc. Glide works great for building out internal company tools to help improve workflow processes like project management, operations, fieldwork, human resources, sales, and marketing.

3. The other big difference is that in SpreadSimple, Google Sheets will function as your website’s CMS, so your online platform gets updated automatically once you edit your spreadsheet information. Since multiple people can access the data, adding a new product from another retailer is as easy as copying and pasting their link into your spreadsheet. Several smart formulas will help you add a referral code to each product and fetch product images and prices straight from the host website.

4. One very important feature of SpreadSimple is that it offers the game-changing power of SEO for its growth. With easy integration, your website can be SEO-friendly and have multiple analytical tools like canonical tags, meta tags, custom URL bases for details pages, alt tags for images, sitemaps, and URL aliases. Glide apps collaborate with only Google Analytics, which does not help users get the complete picture they need.

5. SpreadSimple not only creates websites and applications, but it also provides a shopping cart feature, delivery options, and integrations with payment portals like PayPal and Stripe, as well as different delivery web page options. Glide is missing the shopping feature and delivery options in its applications, but it does provide Stripe integration for payment purposes.

Based on the above data, you can see that Glide is a great tool for creating applications for improving workflows with an easy-to-use system and a good user interface. SpreadSimple is an essential software for website creation, online catalogs, and e-commerce stores. In today’s digital world, when a business’ success depends on the latest technologies to a large degree, both applications can be beneficial, and choosing one of them depends on your organization's needs and requirements.

Features Comparison

There are many similar features shared between Glide and SpreadSimple. Many of them have been elevated and improved by SpreadSimple to provide a better experience to its customers:

Website Builder that is pocket-friendly

  • Both platforms offer custom templates for clients by giving logos, fonts, colors, etc. to apply to their user interface. Glide has a limitation on customization when compared to SpreadSimple. If you need personalization for your project, Glide will then not be an optimal choice.  
  • When working with automation and integrations, Glide has built-in automation, while SpreadSimple connects with many outside softwares like WhatsApp, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Mailchimp, Zapier, Make, etc.
  • Both applications offer Google Maps view to their clients, except OpenStreet Map also provided by SpreadSimple.    
  • Both softwares guarantees responsive mobile-friendly design and great UI, but when it comes to intuitiveness, SpreadSimple wins hands down.

Website Builder that is pocket-friendly

Glide and SpreadSimple both allow users a free plan to test out their software before making a purchase. The pricing package for Glide starts from $25 per month, while SpreadSimple starts at $12.90 per month and is based on per website created and not the number of users. Even in the free trial phase of SpreadSimple, you get access to their paid features for a full 14 days before actually making a purchase. Glide's highest-paid plan limits you to using 50,000 records per project and only allows 20,000 updates each month (or you can get more by paying extra). This makes SpreadSimple a more desirable pocket-friendly option.

Comparison Table

Here is a quick feature-wise breakdown to get a concise picture of both applications.

SpreadSimple Glide
Data updates per month Unlimited Limited (starting 1000 per month)
Website experience Yes No
White labeling Included in each paid plan Available separately for an additional fee
Data rows in the free plan 1000 500
Data rows in a minimal paid plan 10000 5000
Image uploader browser extension Yes No
Responsive mobile-friendly design Yes Yes
SEO-friendly Yes No
Automation Using Zapier, Make, etc. Built-in
Shopping cart feature Yes No
Delivery Options Yes No
Payment Options Yes, with Stripe, Paypal, and 4 other methods Yes, only Stripe
Custom branding and design options Yes, a wide range of options Yes, with limitations based on mobile app guidelines
Map view Yes, Google Maps and Openstreet Maps Yes, Google Maps only
Near-realtime update without the need to press Sync Yes No
User accounts No Yes
Item variations Yes No
Widget-based advanced UI builder No Yes
Complexity Simple Medium
Data sources Google Sheets BigQuery, SQL, Airtable, Excel, Google Sheets
Support Chat with employee, Email, and Community Community, and Email with only hi-tier plans
Integrations 40+ 40+
Free tier Yes Yes
Paid plans starts from $16/mo starts from $25/m

Why is SpreadSimple the better option?

There are hundreds of options to choose from in the market, but what makes SpreadSimple truly outstanding is that it is one of the most user-friendly no-code website builders that is able to effortlessly convert your Google Sheets into a visually appealing online store in a matter of few minutes. It boasts a huge collection of pre-designed templates to choose from, each created by a community of expert developers.

SpreadSimple is ideal for building websites that are SEO friendly, appealing in design, offer delivery options, payment options, shopping carts, custom branding, and much more.


There is no one-size-fits-all no-code solution in the market. Each business has its own set of requirements and needs. We hope the above information helped you make the right decision that will propel your organization in the right direction. Though just from the price point, choosing SpreadSimple should seem like the logical step for most users, we still suggest you test the free trial versions of both the softwares and experience their benefits firsthand.

To start your free trial of SpreadSimple for 14 days, click below.

Turn your Google Sheets into a website
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